
Semi-Open Species By 0honeybee1

When owning a Tearling, MYO/Official adopt, you agree to the following:
All rights to the semi-open species Tearlings and the design concept belong to me (0honeybee1)
When purchasing a Tearling, you own that character, however the design rights are still given to the designer. Claiming to be the designer when you are not, or making it seem like you are the designer, is not allowed.
I have created the semi-open species Tearlings on my own. Tearlings which are formed from the tears of deities. Any species with similar traits or concepts made before Tearlings is both coincidental and unintended. I do not own any individual traits related to the species.I reserve the right to ban or change ownership over a design and terminate the rights to Tearlings for anyone who breaks the Terms of Service, is conducting rude/harmful behavior, is harassing anyone, is scamming, or is failing to pay for their purchase after taking part in an auction/custom/adoption/trade/etc.
When purchasing a Tearling, you can choose to give the design a name and background
You may choose to make small adjustments like color changes, small outfit changes, as long as the original design is still visible.
Even if you choose to change the design, the original will still be able to be brought back through the use of magical items (work in progress)
Major redesigns must be preapproved to be still official.
You may trade, gift, or sell the design if the design is no longer wanted.
You must inform me (0honeybee1) of the changes in design or owner to prevent issues in the future.
You are allowed to claim a Tearling on behalf of someone else as well as purchase one to gift to someone else. As long as I am notified who the owner of the Tearling is.When using the design, credit of the species and designer is preferred but not required, unless the designer says otherwise in their own TOS.
If you would like to own commercial rights to a design, you will pay a twice the original amount in commercial fees (unless stated otherwise in specific post).
Any owner of a Tearling must respect the lore collectively made by me and the Tearling community.
-Payment must be made to the designer in full amount, or to whoever is selling the design they own. This payment must be made within 24 hours of purchase.
The currency accepted is USD.
USD is made in payment through Ko-Fi or Paypal.
The design/character does not belong to you until the full payment is made.
Payment plans are only acceptable if a purchase is made over $100 (This would only occur in an auction if the bids exceed 100 dollars.)
A payment plan must be discussed between the buyer and the designer, and a 50% deposit must be made, the rest of it being paid in the payment plan. Failure to pay in full/on time will take away ownership from the buyer.
information on Co-Ownership:
Co-Owning is allowed as long as both parties come to an agreement of how much each party pays. (Recommended 50/50 so neither feel like they own more or less.)
If your partner does not pay their half, you are welcome to offer up half of the co-ownership to anyone in the Tearlings world who wishes to pay.
Information for Guest Designers:Guest Designers are only selected through applications. I will be updating when I am looking for GD applications.
There is no payment fee for being a Guest Designer, there is no payment fee for creating the designs.
You have the right to claim yourself as the creator for every design you make as a GD.
You are allowed to stream and/or publicly share WIPs of your design.
The money you make as a GD for a design is yours to keep.
If you sell your design to a customer who wants to use it for commercial use, a commercial fee must be paid by the customer. 50% of the commercial fee goes to me as owner of the species and 50% to the guest designer.
If you sell your design during an event you must wait 10 minutes before you AB on another design.
Canceling/Refunds:If you file a chargeback against me or any designer, your right to everything made for you will be retracted and I/The GD have the right to re-sell the design artwork to new buyers.
You will no longer be a member of Tearlings, and your name will be publicly posted as a warning to all artists.
You may not request a refund on a design purchased, however you may sell it if you do not want it anymore.
If you bid on a design, and decide you no longer want it before the auction ends, please contact the artist. If this occurs, you will receive a temporary ban on taking part in Tearling auctions.
I am not held responsible nor is any guest designer if you do not read the TOS thoroughly. This is a semi-open species. Semi-open species means only I, or Guest Designers, are allowed to create adoptables.If a chargeback/fraud occurs when you are selling or trading a design to someone, me nor the GD are held responsible, however please inform us so we can spread the word and help the best we can.
If you do not wish to pay for MYO rarity traits and wish to use them as you please, then your MYO will not be official and it is asked that you do not label it as an official MYO of the species.
Inspiration of species is allowed, but not copying or heavy inspiration.
If you create a species and it is found to have a very similar concept/design to Tearlings, please contact me and we can come to a middle ground agreement.

Common Traits

**Common Tearling traits include the following:
- Have the colored tears of their deity in their body (can be anywhere, required)
-Colored tint on body (required)(multicolor is okay!)
- Have Tear Ears (required)
-Doll Joints (required)
-At least one eye with the same color as the tears in their body (required)
-Bubbles inside of tears
-Bubbles in eyes
-Invisibility ability
-Hair color can be the same as their tears, body, or it could be different!
-Can wear any clothes!
-any gender!

MYO base:
(not required)

**Uncommon Traits

Uncommon Traits can include any of the following:
- Everything in previous
- Animal ears or hooves/paws
-Nature growing on body
-All of the above

**Rare Traits

Rare Traits can include any of the following:
-Everything in previous
-Mermaid-like tail of some kind
-Patterns in skin
-Tear Tail

**Divine Traits

Divine Traits (Specifically traits directly passed down to the Tearling from their deity) can include any of the following:
-Galaxy/Stars inside of Tears
-Multiple eyes
When Divine Tears are consumed by humans, they will earn the same divine traits the Tearling has. Divine Traits are the most rare of them all, and very hard to come across.

Trait Prices

**Common: Free!
Uncommon: $2 per trait
Rare: $5 per trait
Divine: Only available through adopts or open customs
Once you purchase 1 or more of a specific trait, your MYO will automatically gain that status.
MYO rarity cannot be changed at a later date without a magic item (work in progress). If however, you wish to redesign your MYO and their lore to be a different rarity, contact me!

Custom Info

**Custom MYOs will be drawn up by me with the description of your choice. I will not charge per trait, but per rarity slot. They are not open at this time but will be opened at a later date with their prices listed!

What do I do with unwanted MYOs?

**You can gift them, trade them, or sell them! There is no sell limit, however, if I find that this is being taken advantage of, I will take this away. I want this to be fun for everyone!
If your MYO gains a new owner, please contact me so I can update their status.


The deities of this world have been long forgotten, their powers growing weaker and weaker.As one last hope to gain the attention of their creation, they used their tears to create new beings.These beings are called Tearlings.

Tearlings, deity-formed humanoids that showcase their creator's tears inside of their doll jointed bodies. They are see through, although they are not as fragile as they may seem.Their skin acts similar to human skin, only it is clear with a colored tint. Along with the tears in their body, they also have tear-shaped ears comparable to lop bunnies. The tears inside of their body can be anywhere, depending on how much their creator cried, and how much of that turned into a new being.